My experience as a Core Team Member at Quantel- Nisha

Nisha Pal

Nisha Pal is a B.Voc. Banking Operations student from Ramanujan College, Delhi University, who has always believed in action rather than words. She has completed a 2-month internship at Quantel, achieved her goals and established herself as a doer. Now she is working as a core team member there.

Here, Nisha is sharing her experience being a Project Lead Manager at Quantel. Her apprenticeship will certainly propel her ahead of the curve.

Go ahead and know what her story has to offer to aspiring youth so that you can easily find a path of self-growth.

What was the location? Was it work from home?

Work from home

How did you come to know about the internship?


What were your responsibilities as an intern?

The greatest thing about working with a startup is you can’t restrict yourself to only one thing you get the opportunity to work with every department. There are no limitations for the responsibilities and you will get the authority as well.

I have joined as an Intern currently working as a core team member with them. Recruiting and leading the team of 50+ interns and handling their queries and create tasks for them, motivate them in completing the tasks.

Conducting market research, develop business strategies with founders and core team members. Build client relationships, and identify new business opportunities. Maintain utmost discretion when dealing with sensitive topics.

You will learn everything thing that a startup needs at its initial stage.

How much time did you contribute daily?

4-5 hours

Share your proudest achievements and how were you able to realise them.

My proudest achievement is that I got a team of minded people in Quantel and an encouraging and supportive co-founder and that was a blessing for me.

Promotion as a Management trainee Intern to a Project Lead Manager. Taking initiative and working hard land me an opportunity to work as a core team member with Quantel.

I am also the Vice-president of Educen “The Vocational Society” of Ramanujan College, Delhi University.

I have handled 50+ interns at a time I was never thought that I can able to handle a team of 50+ students.

I was able to gather knowledge about an industry that was completely unfamiliar to me. Completing all the tasks and skills learned from them was an achievement for me.

My family, friends and mentors were the ones who helped me realise the importance of these achievements. I am who I am because of their constant support and faith in me.

What are the top learnings, skills and values that you acquired here?

It’s been almost 5 months that I have been with Quantel and the value it gave me is tremendous. I always wanted to work with startups and I feel so great to get an opportunity in Quantel and I can see my growth.

I got to improve my various soft skills which are very important such as Leadership, Adaptability, Flexibility, Teamwork, Strategic Thinking, Problem-solving and Communication.

As I always believe finding an encouraging and supportive mentor is a blessing. This is very unique and encouraging for an intern to showing so much faith and trust is something that boosts me up to work harder.

I also learned the value of taking the initiative & being passionate since that is the only way to learn more & more.

I have achieved the experience of leading a team, being a motivator to people working under me. I gained a lot in my experience as well as personality.

Do you feel this experience is a stepping stone towards success in life? Illustrate how the experience gained will help you going forward in your career.

I haven’t worked with any startups before and I was looking for an opportunity to work with a startup because I have the experience but I need the platform where I can implement my new ideas and strategies.

Started with 2 months as Management Trainee Intern. Leading a team where the students varied from first-years to MBA’s which taught me that it is not the figures in your age that works but the figures in your experience or opportunities.

I got to learn more each day and by practising a lot on unplanned challenges, my confidence and skills were boosted up. It’s good to see myself coming up as an intern, and now working as a core team member with them, The days went by, my responsibilities and authority kept on evolving.

It will definitely be the stepping stone in my career.

What is your advice to those, who are aspiring for the same or a similar internship?

I just advise them whenever they join any Internship, Don’t think about the certificates or perks you are getting. Do not run for the certificates, run for the learning opportunities and startups are the best place to learn.

Whatever Internship you are joining try to be consistent in that tenure because every company is looked for a constant person. There are some negative situations as well but that was the time you are checked. Consistency and never give up attitude always pays you.

Always try to become the better version of yourself and try every opportunity, you don’t know what suits you. Never afraid to take initiative & representing yourself.

Try to build connections, Your network is your net worth.

How can we (Friends, Family, YI Fraternity) encourage young students such as yourself to involve themselves in different opportunity

Support from your environment is important. I have been always supported by my family and fraternity and this builds me to a great extent.

Parents, mentors and teachers must encourage students to engage in extracurricular activities and try different things. They should encourage them to learn some practical skills, this will teach them the art of time management and they will become more confident. The only thing that matters is that you try your best.

We at Young Influx would take this opportunity to thank Nisha for taking a leap of faith and sharing his impeccable story. We are humbled and grateful, your efforts mean a lot for the youth seeking growth and development.

And hello, dear readers, we welcome you to explore the platform with an open mind. Help yourself gain the most out of the experiences and opportunities listed here.

And before you bid us adieu, we would like you to know that you can read more such student stories here.

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