Internship Diary – TravelTriangle, Archismita Ghosh


Archismita Ghosh, a B. Tech (Electronics and Communications Engineering) from Techno International New Town (Formerly known as Techno India College of Technology), Kolkata, who has always believed in action rather than words. She has completed 3 months internship at TravelTriangle, achieved her goals and established herself as a doer.

Here, Archismita is sharing her experience being a Content Writer Intern at India’s leading online holiday marketplace. Her apprenticeship will certainly propel her ahead of the curve.

Go ahead and know what her story has to offer to aspiring youth so that you can easily find a path of self-growth. Young Influxers go ahead and upgrade yourself!!!

  • Role: Content Writer
  • Organisation: TravelTriangle, Gurgaon
  • Location: Work From Home
  • Duration: 3 months

How did you come to know about the internship?

Travel Triangle reached out to me over email. I was thrilled!

Is there any stipend?

Yes, Rs. 4000 per month.

What were your responsibilities as a fellow?

Writing blogs related to travel, tourism and hospitality on a daily basis.

How much time did you contribute on a daily basis?

2-3 hours.

Share your proudest achievements and how were you able to realise them.

In fact, I was extremely proud to have been contacted by TravelTriangle themselves. I’ve been following them for ages on social media. It was so unexpected!

What are the top learnings, skills and values that you acquired here?

I learnt a lot from this internship. They taught me keyword research for the first time. The concept of primary and secondary keywords. What the keyword density should be like. How precise the blogs should be. This is where I learnt the value of good research and crisp content!

Do you feel this experience is a stepping stone towards success in life? Illustrate how the experience gained will help you going forward in your career.

Yes, definitely! As I said, I learnt the importance of keywords here. And this is going to stay with me throughout my career because SEO will always be important in the writing field! Also, my manager pushed me to do better research, come up with distinct answers for all questions travellers may have. Nobody tells you, but smart research is an art. To know where to look. To know how to use the information well in your content.

What is your advice to those, who are aspiring the same or a similar internship?

Go for it! Yes, internships don’t pay as well. But whenever you go wrong, someone will be there to guide you and you won’t get sacked. Especially if you want to go further in the field of writing, I’d say an internship should be your first step! It pays and you also get a mentor! Best of both worlds!

How can we (Friends, Family, YI Fraternity) encourage young students such as yourself to involve themselves in different opportunities?

Let them chase their dreams! Writing internship. Design internship. Whatever they want to do with their talent and passion. Let them go for it! The only advice they should get is to work hard! So much talent is wasted because friends and family fail to encourage us or stand by us when we want to pursue our dreams.

We at Young Influx would take this opportunity to thank Archismita for taking a leap of faith and sharing her impeccable story. We are humbled and grateful, your efforts mean a lot for the youth seeking growth and development.

And hello, dear readers, we welcome you to explore the platform with an open mind. Help yourself gain most out of the experiences and opportunities listed here.

And before you bid us adieu, we would like you to know that you can read more such student stories here.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Chetna

    Its really amazing platform to explore.. Very informative. There is lot and lot to learn.

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