Leadership Journey – P. Girish Kumar, Sasi Institute of Technology and Engineering, Tadepalligudem


P. Girish Kumar is a B. Tech Computer Science and Engineering student of Sasi Institute of Technology and Engineering, Tadepalligudem, Andhra Pradesh who has been continuously involved in beyond the classroom activities.

Here, Girish is sharing his experience being a Secretary of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Student Chapter of his college. His hard work has the potential to propel him ahead of the curve.

Go ahead and know what his story has to offer so that you can easily find a path of self-growth. Young Influxers go ahead and upgrade yourself!!!

What was your role? Briefly list the responsibilities associated with it.

I started my journey as a member of the ACM Student Chapter in my college later in just one year I became the Secretary of the ACM Student Chapter of our college. I was elected as the Secretary by the heads of this Student Chapter in my college. So as a Secretary I have to check on the progress of the Student Chapter as a whole. It doesn’t only talk about one thing; there are many aspects that I look after. Every week I along with my other teammates have to conduct classes for other students which are related to the current technologies. Sometimes other than the routine classes I decided to invite senior professors from other colleges to give a seminar on ongoing technologies in the technical world. As we need to know how far these activities are useful for the fellow students, we conducted some interdepartmental contests which gave us a very satisfying result. I, as a Secretary have to keep an eye on the budget as well, every time we are going to conduct seminars and workshops in the college I used to keep a track of each and every penny spent. This way I can avoid unnecessary expenditures. All these responsibilities of mine really made me grow as an individual.

What’s it like to juggle between leadership roles and academics? Pen down the challenges you faced.

I always love to involve in co-curricular activities right from my school days. I used to get myself always involved in my school activities. So that mindset of mine helped me to go farther. After becoming the Secretary of ACM Student Chapter I was given even more responsibilities than when I was just a member. I have to be there at any cost whenever a programme is going on from our student chapter for which I had to skip some of my academic classes. But then it is your academics that helps you to light up your career. Then I learned to manage both academics and my leadership journey. I always prefer to maintain a backup whether it is my academics or other activities. If I sense that I couldn’t attend my student chapter meeting then I used to do that work before the meeting itself or else I substitute some other person in my place. Coming to my academics my professors are always there to help students like me.

Did you also get a chance to connect with any other activity while working on this post?

While working for the ACM student chapter I also collaborated with other student chapters in our college like CSI and IEEE. We together conducted many conferences for our college students. Also completed the Campus Ambassador program by Regex.

What are the top learnings, skills and values that you acquired here?

When I was just a member of society, my aim was just to learn the most out of it. I learnt about many technologies which were really helpful for me to develop my technical skills and also participated in many coding contests. As a result of all those learnings, I had been a part of building the SITE ACM website along with my seniors. After being a secretary, I wanted my fellow students to see the benefits of this student chapter. So I initiated workshops for them and this is where I sensed what it is like to be a leader. I believe that “to be a leader we must take the initiative.” Along with these, I also learned to team up with others, Management skills and also being positive. Because my positive thinking builds my confidence. It is not like that I never did a mistake during my journey, mistakes are nothing when you learn from it. Right??

Do you feel your current role fills you with pride and gratitude? Illustrate how the experience gained will help you going forward.

Yes, of course, I am proud of being a successful member of one of the efficient student chapters which got recognised globally. Also, it gains me so much respect among other students. For this, I am grateful to my college and ACM as well.

Definitely, whatever I learned here will surely help me in my industry. Because when you are entering into the industry as a fresher you will come across different sets of people whom you need to manage, and all the skills required to mingle with others I think I had already acquired during this journey.

Teamwork is the most important thing that companies would look for and I have personally realised that I am well fit for that. Because I am working with a team full of talented persons in their own way in this student chapter.

As when we talk about leadership we have a whole team with us. How do you persuade others to accept your ideas/ways?

As a leader one has to lead the entire team they have to be the bullocks of the cart. Leadership doesn’t mean that a leader should make his teammates work but a leader should work with the team.

Coming to me I would always like to give my opinion and also prefer to take their ideas as well because it is not that I am right always. What I believe is communicating with others helps you gain more and more knowledge. If there comes a point where I have to convince my teammates about my ideas, I would show them the practical image of my idea also I would show them the proofs of my groundwork about the idea. I will make it sure to them that I would be accountable for my ideas.

I always go with groundwork. Whether they accept my ideas or not, it doesn’t matter for me as a Leader I will always be there by their side.

What is your message to students, aspiring to the same or a similar role to do?

Never ever miss any opportunity that comes to your door. Because not everybody is getting such opportunities even if they have a lot of talent. You have to exceptional to be given such a responsible role. Always prove yourself by taking challenges and learn from them.

After proving yourself fit for the post never ever take chance and don’t ever take it to your head, because it is our behaviour which makes a huge impact on our career.

Always get yourself updated with the things happening around you and work smart. Finally, do it in your own way because that can definitely make you satisfied with your work.

How can we (Friends, Family, YI Fraternity) encourage young students such as yourself to engage with co-curricular or extra-curricular activities?

People just have to encourage others who really wanted to pursue something, because one positive talk can help them go even farther.

Some Educational Institutes doesn’t allow their students to get involved in extracurricular activities, but I have to say it is these activities that makes the students get ready for the industry. Academics alone can’t help them.

These kinds of platforms (like Young Influx) has to get recognised globally. Here people are sharing their own experiences which can actually inspire the youngsters. Here many students are getting noticed by people all over the world, this can actually help them to do more and more such useful activities. Kudos to the team @younginflux.

Anything else would you like to say to the YI learners who’ll be reading your experience?

So friends when you sincerely work like really very sincere to achieve something you will definitely get it even a little late. Work with all your heart and soul. If you feel like you can’t do it (any job) you better leave and follow what you love to do, make it your career and get successful. Because if it is not your passion you can’t work heartfully.

We at Young Influx would take this opportunity to thank Girish for taking a leap of faith and sharing his impeccable story. We are humbled and grateful, your efforts mean a lot for the youth seeking growth and development.

And hello, dear readers, we welcome you to explore the platform with an open mind. Help yourself gain the most out of the experiences and opportunities listed here.

And before you bid us adieu, we would like you to know that you can read more such student stories here.

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